Hit The Road..
This Blog is a record of a cycling trip.
A diary written whilst travelling from here
Friskney, near Boston, Lincolnshire, England. 02 June 04
To here.....
Gibraltar. 14 Oct 04
Covering 4,330 miles, all on this bike, and passing through....
Lescun, Southern France
Canfranc, just over the Pyrennees and into Spain
The Camino de Santiago de Compostelle -
here alongside the N120 near Astorga,
Northern Spain
Salvatierra de Minho - Spanish and Portuguese border
Fatima, Portugal
I spent all of the trip camping in the green tent that you see above.
Below is a list of campsites and my route marked on Google Earth.
Zoom in and change to "map" to see my route.
View Larger Map
This blog is an aide memoire for myself for future years, when I begin to forget the details....
For an overview of the trip go to the Route Guide at the top right of this page. This gives a list of starting and finishing points for each days travel showing distances covered and time riding. Each day in the list is linked to its appropriate blogpage and the list shows how many photos are in each post.
Alternatively, all the diary entries are laid out day to day. Follow the links under "All blog entries" at the top right of this page. Subsequent days will appear at the bottom of the list as you travel through it.
I hope you find something useful here, route or equipment, average mileage or camping costs.....
My apologies for the standard of English in these pages. I wrote them directly from my notes and have not edited them - that keeps a certain, ahem, flavour :))
Any comments? Contact me here: Mail To Author or use the blogger comments section at the bottom of each post (moderated).
Good luck with your own journey.
Thanks for visiting,
wow dude this is great, amazing ... absolute (well almost i guess) freedom, just go bike like this in whole Europe... and these pictures from Perpignan and stuff... hmm nostalgy of the summertime ;-)
keep it movin'
Many thanks Doc
Absolute freedom for the summer :D
What is the back story? How did you come to decide to do this, and how did you get up the gumption? Are the answers buried in your blogs somewhere? I'm turning 35 and you give me hope that I might still have it in me to take on a challenge like this.
I daydreamed about doing a trip like this for years, it would have been longer but I ran out of cash.
There is no back story written yet (before you search for it)
Gumption? The hardest parts were deciding to definately do it, and the first 3 days riding.
Bumped into a 68 year old Dutchman on the Camino in Spain, he had cycled from home and it was his 3rd Camino ride on top of a 10,000km tour of Europe, so dont worry about your legs just yet.....
I hope you do it, freedom to travel under your own power, cant beat the feeling.
Good luck, Bon Camino, and Enjoy.
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happy birthday..
Great photos. Wonderful blog. I'm jealous of your journey.
Wow Gibraltar is beautiful, almost went there this summer but ran out of time. I ran across a travel site you might enjoy,baraaza.com you can upload pics, review destinations, and get info for your next adventure.
This is like your bike trip diary? I've never thought about creating one.
I've had so many interesting trips that I have only pictures from. A diary could have helped me restore the emotions.
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Good luck with your own journey.
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